Selected paper list, *: equal contribution
- SangEun Lee*, Soyoung Oh*, Minji Kim, Eunil Park (2022). Measuring Embedded Human-Like Biases in Face Recognition Models. In Proceedings of AAAI Workshop on Artificial Intelligence with Biased or Scarce Data (AIBSD). [Code]
- Soyoung Oh, Eunil Park (2022). Are you aware of what you are watching? Role of machine heuristic in online content recommendations. In Proceedings of ICWSM Workshop on Cyber Social Threats (CySoc).
- Soyoung Oh, Honggeun Ji, Jina Kim, Eunil Park, Angel P del Pobil (2022). Deep learning model based on expectation-confirmation theory to predict customer satisfaction in hospitality service. Information Technology & Tourism.
- Soyoung Oh*, Jisu Kim*, Seungpeel Lee*, Eunil Park (2021). Jujeop: Korean Puns for K-pop Stars on Social Media. In Proceedings of NAACL Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Social Media. [Code]
- Jina Kim, HongGeun Ji, Soyoung Oh, Syjung Hwang, Eunil Park, Angel P del Pobil (2021). A deep hybrid learning model for customer repurchase behavior. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services.
- Soyoung Oh, Jina Kim, Honggeun Ji, Eunil Park, Jinyoung Han, Minsam Ko, Munyoung Lee (2020). Cross-cultural comparison of interactive streaming services: Evidence from Twitch. Telematics and Informatics.